
One of the most important things about Reiki Healing is how you breathe – These breathing techniques that any practitioner of the art should have mastered if he or she is to administer this old natural healing methodology to patients. This is not really a mystery of Reiki healing, more a special technique. We all know that it is harmony and balance that promotes health and well-being within the human body. Breathing that has been mediated to a good tempo relaxes the body. We all use it for this effect whether we know it or know. How many times have you stopped yourself, placed your hands on your chest and taken deep breaths to create a sense of calm and still your mind?

This is the same sort of principals that can be applied to Reiki. This is especially important if you consider the fact that to tap into the spiritual energies that are swirling around in the universe; one must attain a state of calm and concentration.  Focus is the key aspect of Reiki and to achieve this, To start the proper breathing techniques you will need to push out all the negative thoughts that are in your head. You will need to find a quiet place where you will have no disturbances and are away from most distractions. This really depends on you as a person and how susceptible you are to these circumstances and environmental pressures. Special methods like mantras and how they work will be addressed in later articles.

Reiki Breathing Techniques

The breathing techniques themselves are pretty easy to master, and once you do, you have begun your first step in Mastering the art of Reiki Healing. Most practitioners will tell you that breathing takes place from the nose to the navel, taking deep long breaths and counting to at least 4. Close your eyes as you are at the peak of your breathing exercise, and still your mind. This is the apex of the exercise, and this is when you can turn your mind and soul into a tuning fork sensitive enough to feel out and grab the universal energies that are all around.

One of the ways that you can help to understand and master these techniques better is if you akin your own breaths to light. When you are starting to breathe in, you can imagine that your soul or chakra is being filled with light. The light is a fluid element, moving in and around your body, and you are fully in control of where it goes.

Use your mind and use your thoughts as paddles that direct the ebb and flow of these rays of light. Focus your mind on this and soon, this will be all you can think about. Sooner or later, you will realise that you have achieved a sort of stillness within you, a deafening quiet where you can hear the thunder of your beating heart and the still well of your soul. This is the change of your consciousness – moving to a state where universal energy can easily flow through you. Then, and only then, can you use these energies as a healing power to help others. These and others form the five principles of Reiki, important pillars which support its effectiveness in healing.