One of the most important aspects of Reiki is meditation. In order to progress in the philosophy, Reiki meditation must be utilized to its fullest extent. It is a practice that can help you make emotional and spiritual breakthroughs, while also improving problem-solving and your overall outlook on life. But, how exactly do you get initiated into the meditative practices of Reiki?

Meditation for Beginners

When you are first attuned with Reiki and you have the energy flowing within you, you will still be a novice at most of the important Reiki concepts. Even so, you will likely have been attuned by a Reiki Master who will provide training courses. These courses will help you get certified in the first-degree. They will also teach you the rudimentary skills associated with Reiki meditation. After only 1 or 2 sessions, you will be able to actively harness the qi (or ki) to meditate thoroughly with Reiki.

Advanced Meditation

Once you’ve mastered the basic form of meditation, you may be interested in unlocking advanced meditation techniques. Reiki works off of a tiered system, meaning that you will attain certain energies as you progress. The progression looks like this:

  • First-Degree
  • Second-Degree
  • Master/Teacher

In the first-degree, you will only be able to attain basic meditation skills. But, in the second-degree and the Master level, you will be able to harness a greater amount of power. This meditation is taught as part of an advanced training course. The goal, of course, is to become more centered so that your mind, body, and spirit attain an unmatched level of peacefulness.

Benefits of Reiki Meditation

The benefits of the meditative practices of Reiki are virtually innumerable. Because we think of Reiki as a healing process being conveyed from one person to another, we rarely take into account the self-healing benefits of the philosophy. In fact, Reiki can be a supremely curative self-therapy.

For starters, meditation can provide you with a much clearer and more peaceful mind and state of being. There are also numerous other mental benefits like:

  • Dispersal of negative thoughts
  • Powerful goal actualization
  • Increase in positive experiences
  • Relinquishing of past traumas

Feeling like you are in control and you can shape your future goals means that you will undoubtedly feel a lift in energy and spirit. This, of course, also bodes well for your physical form. A reduction in stress directly correlates to the increased functionality of the immune system. A little meditation here and there will undoubtedly provide holistic wellness for you and your life.

Of course, you should expect to feel perfect right out of the gate. If you go into the meditation process with unreasonably high expectations, then you may be in for a letdown. But, if you continually practice the advanced meditation tactics, then you will feel a gradual increase in overall life force. The negativity you may have experienced beforehand will slowly start to diminish and your prospects for the future will look much brighter.

It should be noted that you need to have been attuned to Reiki by a Master Reiki specialist. This is typically not something you can attain on you own free from guidance.